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About College

The motto of our Parent Institution Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha Kolhapur is.

ज्ञान, विज्ञान आणि सुसंस्कार यांसाठी शिक्षण प्रसार

– शिक्षणमहर्षी डॉ. बापुजी साळुंखे

“Spread of education for knowledge, application and inculcation of good values. The Noble mission is to spread education amongst the masses from rural and urban population.” Our college functions with commitment to serve society at large by imparting legal education of highest standards in LL.B and LL.M courses.


  • To provide educational opportunities to all the sections of the society, especially to the socially underprivileged and economically weaker sections of the society.
  • To foster holistic personality of the students.
  • To impart basic knowledge of law; develop skills, aptitudes and competencies to meet the future challenges of legal profession, national unity and integration as envisaged in the Preamble of the Constitution of India.
  • To instill research culture and positive attitude among the law students for the progress and development of the nation.
  • To inculcate good moral and ethical values among the law students necessary for socio- economic and professional commitment to achieve. In short the mission of our college is to spread the fragrance of law and to ensure the real taste of justice to the masses.


In realizing the mission our sincere efforts are directed to achieve the following objectives –

  •  To provide legal education to the students belonging to districts surrounding Osmanabad District with special emphasis on rural and economically weaker sections.
  • To promote meaningful access to Indian justice delivery system.
  • To provide ongoing leadership in improving justice delivery system and bringing reforms in the system by organizing seminars, workshops, discussions and socio- legal surveys.
  • To increase public understanding of and respect for the law, legal process and role of the legal profession.
  • To achieve the highest quality and standard of legal education and thereby to enhance the quality and standard of legal profession. To promote participation of the people in legal education.To preserve and enhance the ideals of legal education and to inculcate the importance of legal education in the minds of general public.
  • To provide state-of- the-art infrastructure and competent faculty to impart quality legal education. To provide high quality legal knowledge and skill with student friendly and disciplined ambiance.
  • To galvanize gilt-edged personality of law students through co-curricular and extra- curricular activities to keep pace in knowledge based globalized economy.
  • To provide interdisciplinary courses along with traditional, professional and vocational streams.
  • To open the avenues of Learning and Research in law to meet the socio-economic challenges of 21st Century.

In the context of above objectives the goals of our college are as follows –

  • Dissemination of the knowledge of laws and professional expertise in the process of law.
  • To make the students of law good lawyers who are to live up to the role that law plays in the social, political and economic advancement of the country.
  • To give exposure to the students of law “Court Proceedings” by arranging court visits and also visits to advocate chambers.
  • To achieve comprehensive “map of reality” about the inter-relations of legal and social process.
  • To bring social change by legal research.
  • To provide social justice to the poorest of poor by conducting activities like free legal aid camps and legal literacy camps to achieve the social welfare.

Our practice is that the above objectives and goals of the College are addressed to the students on the opening day of the college by the Principal and teaching staff. The College further takes efforts to make these objectives and goals known to the society at large by printing those objectives on the College prospectus and displaying them in the Principal’s chamber, Reading Room and Information Center of the College.

The institution develops action plan for effective implementation of the curriculum by preparing annual teaching plan, time tables, synopsis, conducting seminars for students, adopting ICT methods, delivering guest lectures on the present burning topics relating to the curriculum and finally the institution has taken initiative for conducting national and state level moot court competitions to facilitate and enrich the knowledge of the students.

The teachers receive various types of support from university and institution. The institution allows the teachers to participate in Orientation Courses, Refresher Courses, short term courses, seminars, conferences and workshops at state, national and international level. This supports teachers transforming the curriculum and improving teaching practices effectively.

The institution has taken up the initiative for effective curriculum delivery by using various methods of teaching like ICT methods, laptop and tablets, internet, PPT presentation according to curriculum plans. Students are allowed to visit court, jail, police station, conducting legal aid camps in rural areas with poster presentation hence the effective curriculum can be achieved.

  • Range of Core / Elective options offered by the University and those opted by the college is as follows:-

a) Core Options

The BCI is the apex authorities in regulating both Five years/Three Years Law Course and such the Core / Elective options are structured by the BCI. Dr.B.A.M. University, Aurangabad to which our Law College is affiliated, has adopted the same and the individual law colleges, for the benefit of students and also to meet the future needs of legal profession, determine the core/elective options with the prior permission of the said University. The number of Core Subjects for UG level is 68 including practical papers.

b) Elective Options The number of faculty wise elective options available is as follows –

UG PG Law – 33 00

The students at UG and PG level has to elect the option subjects as follows –

Sr. No Class Elective options
    1 (UG – Course) LL. B. (Three Year Course)
LL. B. – I Sem. I I- One out of Three
LL. B. – II Sem. IV – One out of Five
LL. B. – III Sem. VI – One out of Five
      2 BSL LL. B. (Five Year Course)
BSL – I Sem. I I- One out of Five
BSL – III Sem. VI – One out of Five
BSL – IV Sem. VII – One out of Five
BSL – V Sem. X – One out of Five

The institution offers LL.M as self financed course. 1. LL.M (Business laws) 2. LL.M (Criminal laws) LL.M is different from LL.B as per the following indicators.

  • Admission: As per the merit list.
  • Curriculum: As per the U.G.C. syllabus and structure.
  • Fee structure: As per University norms.
  • Teacher qualification : LL.M., NET/SET, or Ph.D
  • Salary: As per the U.G.C. norms.